Tractor Starter Wiring Diagram
Starter Wiring Diagram
This is a picture of the basic principles of any starting system. Once the principles of the starting system can be understood, then any variations of the wiring can be easily understood. The basis principles are:-
- The Battery. In the tractor starter wiring diagram, the circuit starts with the battery at the left of the diagram. This is a negative ground battery system with the negative terminal of the battery connected by a black battery cable to the chassis of the tractor. The positive terminal will provide electricity to the electrical components of the tractor via red wires.In this tractor starter wiring diagram, there are two red wires leading from the positive battery terminal to the starting system. These will be discussed in more details in the sections below.
There are many positive ground wining systems as well. Some of the Ford 8N tractors use a positive ground 6 volt power system. - From the battery, a heavy gauge red cable is attached straight to the starter motor. This is represented in the diagram s the thicker red line. In the diagram the thick red line connects to the solenoid, and then to the starter. However, in practice, this is heavy gauge red cable provides power straight from the battery to the starter. There are no switches or devices between the two. Thus, there is always a constant supply of currant from the battery to the starter.
- In step 3 above, there is always a steady supply of currant to the starter, however, the starter doesn’t engage because there is a solenoid mechanism that must engage before the starter circuits competes. This solenoid starter is, the small cylindrical object attached to the starter, is fed electrical power from the battery from a smaller gauge red wire, however the circuit is fitted with an ignition switch.
- When the ignition switch is turned, power from the battery flows to the solenoid. This kicks the solenoid out and completes two simultaneous functions.
One, it pushes out the engaging teeth in the starter which engages the flywheel and thus, turns the engine. Two, and at the same time, a circuit in the starter is completed (remember the heavy gauge red cable) which causes the starter to move (.i.e. “start”). - The battery, starter, and solenoid must all be grounded to the chassis, which completes the circuits via the heavy gauge black battery cable.
These are the basic steps in the operation of the tractor starter wiring diagram. Any variations in the wiring will not alter the basic principles.